Set in 2003, The Human War covers a day in the life of a teen in Youngstown, Ohio who discovers and reacts to the declaration of the Iraq War.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Yesterday's Adventure Shooting Legs & Finding a Caterer
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Building an Art Studio for the Film
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Day 8 of Pre-Production
We did some more B Roll today. We got a shot of some smokestacks, visted some check cashing stores, and then met up with our two lead actors.
Tomorrow I rehearse with actors all day, while TJ and Tom will discuss the shot list. I need to be like a marine. I wake up at 7 a.m.. I probably won't stop until 9 p.m..
The Latest
I looked out the van and saw thousands of birds swarming in the trees and sky. We had about a half hour left of sunlight, but we managed to get the Red camera setup and ready for some hand-held shots. Then, after the birds stopped swarming, I ran along the highway screaming and hooting like Old Yeller to let the whole multitude of Hitchcockian elegance descend over highway 680. It was quite a sight. What do you think? Movie opening or closing?
This past Saturday was John Kennedy's birthday. He celebrated in style at his bar, The Royal Oaks. I got this picture of him dancing to "Pabst Blue Ribbon," an original by a local band in the area.
This last element is a "Blowmeo." We needed to get some artwork for one of the characters, so I've started collecting old vintage paintings and tagging them with a character known as Blowmeo.
Basically, I wanted to create something that an actor could imitate. We're going to have to hit a few dozen more paintings. I'll show you the full studio when we're done.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Make a Donation to the Movie
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Rehearsals in Youngstown
I am in Yongstown in an empty apartment. For the past couple days it's been just me and Keith McAleer (actor pictured above). We've been rehearsing day and night.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Pre-production Begins!
It is now 6:41 a.m. I will be flying into Youngstown today to start pre-production on THE HUMAN WAR.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Casting Flier
Re: Local Auditions for Independent Film Feature,The Human War
Film Label: Sangha Films
Casting Date: November 12, 2009
Time: 11-3pm
Synopsis: On the eve of the Iraq War, teenager Mark Swift dreams of escape from the realities of his lower-class existence in Youngstown, Ohio, and the fear and bewilderment of a society at war.
Call for non-professional actors!! Everyone is welcome to audition for speaking and background roles!!
Audition Format:
Cold reading: Script "sides" will be provided to actors on arrival to the information booth. Interested individuals will have a short time to read their lines and prepare. Actors will read their role from the prepared script with a casting associate.
If interested in auditioning, please come to YSU's KILCAWLEY CENTER (THE STUDENT CENTER) between 11am-3pm on Thursday, November 12th.
Local Auditions at YSU (Student Union)
CASTING--Independent Film!!
Sign-up on Thursday at the YSU Cafeteria/Student Union
Thursday, November 12th